19 October 2008
Eliza and Sarah
Heather & Heidi at the Anderson Farms Corn Maze
Eric and Alan were on a scout outing, attending the Longs Peak Council's annual "turkey shoot" at Ben Delatour Scout Ranch. No turkeys are harmed in the annual "turkey shoot", in case there is any question...
Heather and Heidi initially took off through the maze at a dead run, leaving us all behind. The rest of us took a leisurely stroll through the western section of the maze.
About 45 minutes into the walk, Heather and Heidi called to find us. We met at the central entrance and started a more structured hike through the maze. The maze contains 18 stations scattered throughout the corn, each with a paper punch that can be used to mark the map card. We completed 12 of the 18 locations before we were too tired to continue.
Anderson Farms is a working farm, so they had all sorts of interesting and useful things at the farm (like ducks, and goats). It is converted to an entertainment center for a 2 month period at the end of each crop season. I suspect they make more from the entertainment center period ($10 per person, hundreds of people visited the day we were there) than from the farming. No problem, either way, since we easily got our $10 per person worth in family fun.
They also have a web site which describes some of their activities.
14 October 2008
Heather & Heidi Swim Meet
The meet was the day prior to their 13th birthday, and it was a long day. They arrived at the pool at 7:00 AM and did not leave until after 2:00 PM. All those hours at the pool for two events each.
Good luck girls!
05 October 2008
Register and Vote!
11 September 2008
Isn't She Lovely...
This picture was taken as they exited the doors at the Mount Timpanogas temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I believe the picture was taken by Cynthia Gale. Refer to http://www.cbgphotography.com/ for Cynthia's company.
16 June 2008
Firefox 3 Download Day
31 May 2008
Jaron's High School Graduation
He is preparing to serve a full time mission, with earliest eligibility date in October 2008.
Congratulations Jaron!
25 May 2008
Alan's Arm - Another Angle
Lindsay's Graduation - UCCS
She was awarded Bachelors of Science degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. She's a lot smarter than dad and mom...
She's made it through school on her own earnings, and her own initiative, and has learned a bunch in the process.
She's worked at a microelectronics firm in Colorado Springs while going through school, and they've now offered her a full time position as a design engineer. (Yeehaw, engineering job!)
What a delight to see her justly rewarded for years of hard work in school and at work. She made it through school with very little debt (working as much as 30 hours a week in addition to full time course work at the university), and see great things ahead for her.
Alan's Arm Angle - Broken Bone
While falling, he went face first into the dirt beside the bike trail. While trying to stop his fall, he broke the radius bone in his forearm. The doctor said it was a 30 degree break, very clear to see in the X-ray.
The broken arm is his right arm, so he'll be learning to use more of his left side than he ever expected to learn. Thankfully school is almost over for this year, so he won't have to re-educate his teachers about how to read his hand writing from the "wrong" hand.
The crash happened on the northernmost end of the Loveland bike trail, about halfway between the entry to the trail and the northernmost parking lot of Boyd Lake State Park.
Coleen drove the van into Boyd Lake State Park, and Alan walked (arm cradled in his shirt) from the crash site to the car. We loaded the bike into the car, and Coleen drove him to the clinic. He didn't really want to ride the bike again, one handed, using his weakest hand to steer and brake...
Coleen was caring for a friend's child at the time as well, so she spent two hours at the urgent care clinic with Alan, a 3 year old, a doctor, and some nurses.
Alan was incredibly tough about the whole ordeal, or he just doesn't feel pain (unclear which). After the fall, he didn't shed a tear, and when I had him move the hand in various ways, he could say which hurt and which didn't, but was yelling or shouting in agony.
When the doctor moved the bones just before splinting, he apparently flinched a little, but no tears, no agony, and no shouting. He's a lot tougher than his dad!
22 May 2008
Jaron Graduates from High School
19 April 2008
13 April 2008
Eric in a Swimming Article
I took the liberty of scanning the page for safe keeping. I realize I am most certainly violating copyright to do so, and I apologize for that, but it seems like the best way to remember the article, and the nice picture.
I also was proud that I used a Linux machine to run the scanner, without any Windows machine anywhere in the mix.
06 April 2008
Roll Roll Roll your baby...
01 April 2008
Rough Day
- My manager visited the office for the first time
- Coleen had a rough start to the day
- The plumbing clogged and we had raw sewage in the basement bathroom (~$300)
- The plumber noted that our hot water heater needed to be replaced (~$1000)
- One of Coleen's dear friends called to announce that her twin sister has gone home, expecting to die of bone cancer within 3-6 months
02 March 2008
Nana ER Trip
25 February 2008
16 January 2008
Fire in the Hole
06 January 2008
Eliza's Blessing

Today was Eliza's Blessing day. The meeting went really well and the spirit was just incredible! Ben did a fantastic job and you wouldn't have ever known that she was the first baby he blessed, it was just another testiment that he was not the one blessing her he was just the voice for the Lord. Her dress was beautiful! Grandma Waite made it for her and it was made from the same material as my wedding dress! She's my little princess!!! Everything was great and I was so glad to have my whole family there! Thank you to all who sacrificed to come I was thrilled to have all of my family there and some of Ben's. Thanks again
Love The Merritt's
If you want to see some more really awesome pictures check out our blog: www.coloradomerritts.blogspot.com
03 January 2008
Merritt News
01 January 2008
Jaron's Eagle Board of Review Completed!