23 May 2009

Clean Clothes - Again

Originally uploaded by Mark Waite
The new washer has arrived and run its first loads of laundry. It certainly looks more "techno" than the old washer did.

We'll see if the overall electricity bill decreases or increases as a result.

16 May 2009

Simple, Elegant Design and 15+ Years of Useful LIfe

We purchased a Maytag washer over 15 years ago. We had been surprised by the complexity of other washers, and were impressed with the salesperson's description of the simplicity of the Maytag design. The pump, the motor, the drum, and the timer all seemed easy to understand, well designed, and serviceable.

It was a great purchase. The washer moved to our current house when we made that move over 13 years ago. It has done laundry for all eight of the kids, for Coleen's mom, and for Coleen and me. It has been through 3 teenage girls, 3 teenage boys, and twins.

Thanks Maytag, for design simplicity, years of reliable service, and an excellent investment for our family. We'll hope the new General Electric high efficiency model does as well.

12 May 2009

Google Profile

Google has created a "profile" service that they will use in their search engine to help people find the "right" you. My name is not too uncommon (I am not the Mark Waite who writes for a paper in the Las Vegas area, and I am not the Mark Waite who makes knives in Colorado), so their profile service may help. The information in my profile seemed to generally already be available from other publicly visible sources (like my obsolete Yahoo 360 blog).

09 May 2009

Eric at the end of 200 yard medley

The 200 yard individual medley requires four different strokes, each for 50 yards, the butterfly, breast, back, and free style. Eric beat his personal best time, and dragged out of the pool exhausted.

This is him resting on the deck...

Eric at the meet

Eric at the meet
Originally uploaded by Mark Waite
Eric and Alan joined their swimming team in the Front Range League conference finals at Dick Hewson Acquatic Center, attached to Thompson Valley High School in Loveland.

Eric qualified for finals in two events, the 500 yard freestyle and the 200 yard individual medley. He performed great in both of them, achieving personal best times in the preliminary heats, and then beating those times in the finals.

Good job Eric!

02 May 2009

Mark Waite as a boy

Mark Waite as a boy
Originally uploaded by Mark Waite
This picture is photographic evidence that I was once a child, contrary to the opinions of certain teenage male members of the family.