05 October 2010

Wipe out riding for Cycling merit badge

I enjoy cycling. I enjoy it enough that I ride to work most every day there are dry roads. I'm BSA Wood Badge certified. I've been a Scoutmaster, and have been involved in Scouting in other ways and at other levels. Those things should make me a reasonable candidate to act as a Merit Badge counselor for the Cycling merit badge.

Even with those "reasonable conditions", I still made a mistake that injured a Scout. We were 7.5 miles into our 15 mile bike ride, 3 adults, 5-6 scouts, riding a bike trail just south and west of the end of 29th street in Loveland. As the trail slopes downward slightly, it also has a parallel dirt trail beside it. Three of the scouts were ahead of me and decided to ride the dirt trail. With the slight downhill slope, I decided to increase speed on the tandem I was riding.

Unfortunately, the dirt trail intersects the concrete trail. At that intersection, one of the smaller of the scouts crossed the concrete in front of me. I was not able to stop the tandem and the scout, the tandem, me, and the scout on the back of the tandem all went to the ground.

The worst part of the whole accident seemed to be that the young scout who crossed in front of me received the brunt of the damage. His left ankle was scraped, his knee was scraped, and he was thoroughly frightened by having that big tandem and two riders going over the top of him.

Lessons I should have already known as a scout leader:

  • Know the trail, know the hazards, predict and defend against the obvious hazards
  • Don't overrun a safe stopping distance, especially when dealing with younger scouts
  • Always carry a first aid kit, especially when any distance from standard first aid supplies
Things that went well in spite of the mistakes:
  • Three adults gave us capacity to always have two adults with the scouts even when one of the adults went for help (in this case, went for his truck so we could transport the damaged bikes and the scraped scouts
  • Ample water on the trail for hydration and scrubbing
  • Use local routes and accessible trails on early training trips and rides

23 May 2010

Graduation rush is complete, summer can start now

Eric graduated from high school today. The commencement exercises were a nice culmination of his years of preparation, study, and hard work.

Yesterday was the group graduation party at the church. 10+ seniors all gathered at 3800 Mountain Lion Drive in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints cultural hall to celebrate their accomplishments. It was quite the set of accomplishments from those amazing youth!

Eric was busy at the Colorado State 5A High School swim meet. He was a competitor in the preliminary swim on Friday in the 100 yard butterfly (time: 57.2 or so). That was not fast enough to compete in the finals on Saturday, but he was there on Saturday to cheer for members of the team.

Because Eric was busy, I did the "quick assembly" of his section of the "senior table" for the party. He's done some amazing things during his high school years.

  • Eagle scout from Boy Scouts of America
  • Loveland Youth Advisory Commission member, 120 hours of volunteer service completed
  • Duty to God recipient from church
  • AP Scholar for receiving a 3 or better on 3 AP tests his Junior year in high school. He took another 3 AP tests his senior year
  • 4 year letter recipient in boys swimming at Loveland High School
  • Front Range League conference finals swimmer in 100 yard butterfly and 500 yard freestyle
  • State qualifying time in 100 yard butterfly at Loveland High School
  • 5:19 time for 500 yard freestyle (less than 10 seconds from state cut time)
  • Team manager for girls swim team
  • "Unsung hero" award in senior year as a swimmer and team manager
  • Most improved swimmer award his senior year

Glad to be your dad, Eric!

01 May 2010

Eric Makes State Cut - 2010 High School Swimming

Eric had a personal best time in the 100 yard butterfly in a swim meet against Poudre Valley High School and qualified for the Colorado State High School 5A swim meet. The state swim meet will be held May 21 and May 22 at Edora Pool and Ice Center (EPIC) in Fort Collins.

Eric is the fourth high school swimmer in the family, preceded by Sarah, Rachel, and Jaron. He's the first to advance beyond the conference swim meet. Alan is already a high school swimmer, and Heather and Heidi are also likely to be high school swimmers. Good luck to Eric in preparing for the state swim meet!

The Loveland Daily Reporter-Herald ran a page 1 article in their sports section April 30 with Eric's picture as the centerpiece of the article.

03 February 2010

I Will Fight No More Forever

When Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce surrendered to U.S. troops, in his surrender speech he declared, "I will fight no more forever". Me too.

I refereed a mens' basketball game this evening for the church. I had been awake since 4:30 AM. I didn't finish work until after 6:00 PM. I refereed a girls game before the mens' game.

By the time the mens' game started after 9:00 PM, I was tired, grumpy, and irritable. I was also a poor, poor excuse for a referee. I had hoped to be some help by acting as a weak, amateur referee. I failed in that attempt. The game was rough, many calls were missed, feelings were hurt, and I doubt any good came from the game. I finally gave up, stopped the game with 5 minutes remaining on the clock, and walked off the court.

With regards to being a referee in church basketball games, "I will fight no more forever". I can spend my free time in ways that will help others, and will help me. I don't need to spoil a fine evening for others, or for myself. Being a poor referee is apparently worse than not being a referee. Someone else more skilled and more willing can fill the spot, and everyone will be better for it.

Work starts again tomorrow morning at 4:30 AM and I don't need stress in the evening to match with the stress of employment.

02 January 2010


Originally uploaded by Mark Waite
Woodeen Meister holding Eliza Merritt after her birth in December 2007.